Back to being seniors again….

I suppose right now you are wondering if you are going to your 50th High School Reunion. Should you or shouldn’t you is completely up to you of course. However, if you are on the fence, I would encourage you to go….or at least consider it.


Who cares what their social status was in high school! We’re not in high school anymore, so cross-clique lines and you might discover that you missed out on getting to know some really amazing people in high school. We also tend to think that we’ve changed so much since then but, still think others are the same as they were in high school. We’re all on a journey and none of us has gone through life without some bumps in the road. We’ve all made mistakes and had successes…..authenticity is really refreshing and if kids from Cambridge are anything they are truly authentic.

Is our class reunion worth going to? Yes, it’s worth going to….. especially since this is your 50th reunion. What better time to connect with old classmates. You never know when reuniting with someone special will change the way you look at life.

Here is an example of a reunion life changing event for me.

After a class reunion a few classmates gathered at the Cantab Lounge in Central Square for an after party. Truth is, we were having so much fun at the reunion we did not want it to end. Leo Mochi and I were “well into our tea” as they say and were spending time reminiscing about our lives and the future. It was during our discussion that I noticed Leo was standing in front of a portrait of the Dos Equis “Worlds Most Interesting Man”. I said “hey Leo, did anyone every tell you you look like this guy in the Dos Equis ads?” He said that a few people had mentioned that to him before and we laughed about some of the stay thirsty phrases the actor uses as part of the ads. Then, using the voice of the Dos Equis man Leo said…

“I don’t wish for much in life but, if I can live long enough to collect one Social Security check I’d be a happy man”…

I’m told he never realized that wish and I’ve never forgotten his words that night and our talks about the importance of life and friends. It made me thirsty…. so thirsty that I retired early to enjoy family, friends and especially being on this side of the sod. That moment of friendly insight changed how I felt about the value of living in the present.

I don’t tell this story to make you sad about the passing of our classmate Leo Mochi. I tell this story to celebrate our wonderful classmates who are part of our life story. They are part of our history……..we have more in common than you might think. So, let’s spend time together this September looking back and looking forward ….it just may make you thirsty my friends.

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