Taking and giving compliments

I often have time to think about life while driving alone.

This week I was thinking about doing hard things like bike, run and swim training. The reward for hard work is gaining perseverance. Perseverance is the power to push past the obstacles that get in the way.

When I think about perseverance, I think about my daughters and how proud I am of the challenges they have overcome towards becoming well rounded, successful woman. I try to recognize specific examples of how they have persevered though tough times so they understand what, how and why I’m so proud.

This week I made a quick call to my daughter Izzy who was struggling through college midterms. I told her I knew she’d been pulling long hours studying…staying fit, serving on school committees, etc… and that I was proud of her can do attitude (perseverance). Even though she was feeling stressed with the workload.. I thanked her for pushing herself. Whatever the outcome, as long as you put in the work..we will always be proud of you…

I hoped that in some small way she would feel comfort knowing her mother and I support her…

A few days passed and she called her mother on the phone…

Izzy: Hey Mim….Dad called me the other day to thank me for doing such a great job…and he told me he loved and was so very proud of me….

Mother: Ya, that’s nice

Izzy: Is he dying?
Me: I’m thinking I should show some perseverance sharing compliments more frequently. Ya think?

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