Fighting the Crypt Keeper Look

Fighting the Crypt Keeper Look – Thinking about implementing some Strength Training into the plan.

So what’s wrong with being leaned down???  On the plus side being lean enables me to cruise along on runs, knife through water on swims and climb hills like a Billy goat on bike rides, so from a performance cryptperspective it is awesome!  On the personal side … when your bike buddies start referring to you as the “crypt keeper” and your wife mentions how you’re withering away to nothing…it makes me wonder if there is a happy medium.

Last year I trained for my 1st full Ironman harder and longer than for any event in my life.  My normal weight before training was approximately 189.  At the Lake Placid weigh in I was down to high school weight of 172….lean and ready to rock…  I was fit, but more of what I’d call skinny lean… not what I would consider muscular..

I have been wondering lately if it is possible to train for a triathlon and still maintain a fit, well-proportioned body look.  Age grouper triathletes and marathoners like myself tend to show up on “A” race day sporting IMG_0007tiny arms, a thin neck, a stick-like midsection, a slim body frame or a “skinny-fat” look.. Admittedly, Triathletes come in all shapes and sizes but I am one of those seasoned (older) age groupers that just leans out.

My question is, when you train for triathlon, do you have to lose precious muscle, get extremely skinny, or become a scrawny endurance athlete?  Can you actually train for triathlon while still adding incredibly functional muscle and ability? Can we swim, bike and run fast – and still have a decent body?

So where to begin..? Core Strength Training, Diet, Tracking Calories, Eat More??

On Eating More: I’ve read about a formula that recommends eating your  Body-weight x 20 kcal.   So, for me now I now weigh 186 lbs x 20 = 3720 kcal daily. Additionally, it was suggested that I’d need about 2 weeks to get used to eating this amount of calories.

Tracking Food Intake:  In order to know how much I’m eating,  I need to track my intake which I plan to do using because it will append my intake to Training Peaks automatically.

Do What it Takes. I know sometimes have to force yourself to finish my meals. And yes I’ll end up having to preparing my food which is more work than buying food on the road. But, If I really want to lose my skinny look, I’ll have to do what it takes, or just deal with the strange looks I get.

Core Strength Training:  I need to add at least two core strength sessions per week toarnold my current training plan.  I am going to start for the 1st few weeks with just body weight (Sit ups, planks, leg lifts, etc…) and build from there if I can maintain this effort and more importantly if I feel it is making a difference.  I’m not looking to be Arnold here but some definition might keep the Crypt Keeper at bay… and who knows it might also help stave off those random lower back, knee and shoulder issues and help me gain some performance improvements..   This is the time to experiment with  tweaks in the training regime…  what have I got to lose…or gain in this case…


2 thoughts on “Fighting the Crypt Keeper Look

  1. I honestly laughed out loud — “On the personal side … when your bike buddies start referring to you as the “crypt keeper” and your wife mentions how you’re withering away to nothing…it makes me wonder if there is a happy medium.” You and Rob could seriously swap stories! I swear he doest he same thing — withers away and I sound like your wife! As race day gets closer he gets leaner and I swear I start pounding the food to somehow coerce him to eat more. I gain weight and he just keeps getting thinner. I tell him that he’s going to fall over when the wind blows. Let me know how this quest for a happy medium goes!


  2. Anonymous

    Thanks jess… good to know it is not just me minding the crypt… I get absolutley no simpathy from friends and family when tell them I can’t keep the weight on and eat 5-6 times a day… It is going to take some time but i’ll let you know if the plan has merit…


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